The tragedy unfolding in the Philippines right now gives us good reason to take a break from talking about brand strategy, theory or application. Instead, we should focus our thoughts around a central idea – our shared humanity.
It’s true that our world is more interconnected and globally aware now than ever before in human history. We are able to effortlessly connect with people, products and organizations thousands of miles away. The 24-hour news cycle, social media, the Internet, telecommunications and the travel industry have all made this connection accessible to most of the developed world.
Yet, even in our interconnectedness, only a few brands have chosen to mobilize their networks to provide resources and financial relief to the many affected by this tragedy.
As of this writing, here’s the short list:
- Apple has activated the American Red Cross donation system through iTunes and added a link to their homepage. Click here to donate.
- AT&T has waived fees for contacting the Philippines.
- Verizon has waived fees for contacting the Philippines.
- Amazon is allowing donations through their site directly to the American Red Cross and has added a link to their homepage. Click here to donate.
It’s shocking.
Out of the top 100 most valuable brands (those with the largest potential reach), I can find only four brands that have decided to brand for good, not margins.
Imagine the Impact If…
Imagine the impact if Facebook chose to put a link on login that offered users a chance to donate.
Imagine the impact if Coca-Cola chose to produce a commercial with relief instructions.
Imagine the impact if Google chose to place a donation link on its homepage.
Imagine the impact if Bank of America chose to allow you to ‘round-up’ on your purchases to donate.
Imagine the impact if McDonald’s chose to give away food for a donation.
Imagine the impact if…_______________________.
Doing Good For Goodness Sake
In a time of such connectivity, it’s a shame to see that many brands only focus on ‘doing good’ when ‘doing good’ can benefit the margin line.
I’m sure there are boardroom discussions happening right now that revolve around the costs and benefits of getting involved. I’ve heard them asked before. “What will the perception be if we get involved?” “Does this align with our brand personality?” “Should we wait until ______ gets involved?” “Can we get the media to cover our involvement?”
These questions should never be asked – especially in light of human catastrophe.
A brand’s involvement, when it comes to human tragedy, should be a knee-jerk, immediate and non-leveragable reaction. The ultimate good in building a network so large is not to monetize it, but to use it to better our human existence.
We should practice branding for good, not for margins.
If you would like to get involved, here’s a list of nine organizations originally posted by Mashable to which you can contribute:
- The Philippine Red Cross: Donations will help mobilize teams on the ground with rescue and relief efforts.
- The United Nations World Food Programme: The WFP has set up an online donation page that will help rush food and resources to the regions affected.
- UNICEF: Donations will help children gain access to medical supplies and clean drinking water. “Safe drinking water can be impossible to find after such a massive natural disaster. And without it, a child will drink whatever water she can find, no matter how dirty or diseased. That drink can quickly lead to diarrhea, disease and death,” UNICEF president Caryl M. Stern said.
- World Vision: World Vision is working to get food and resources to those in evacuation shelters.
- Catholic Relief Services: CRS is helping with the storm’s aftermath by getting supplies and staff into the area.
- Salvation Army: Donate online for the Salvation Army’s relief efforts, or text TYPHOON to 80888 to immediately donate $10.
- Save the Children: Donations will help children and families in the Philippines, Laos and Vietnam. Ten percent of every donation will go toward preparing for any future disasters in the area.
- Habitat for Humanity: Donations will help create shelter-repair kits for families rebuilding their homes.
- GlobalMedic: The Canadian organization is working to get clean water to victims.
Image credit: Jeoffrey Maitem/Getty Images