There is perhaps no more dissatisfied a consumer than a voter in a democratic society. So what is a political brand to do?
We asked an international panel of political brand, marketing and campaign experts to weigh in on the state of political branding—resulting in our longest Branding Roundtable ever.
Download the full ebook and learn from experts in the US and UK, including:
Kenneth Cosgrove, PhD, author of Branded Conservatives, one of the editors of The Political Handbook, and an Associate Professor of Government at Suffolk University
Darren Lilleker, PhD, co-author of Political Campaigning, Elections and the Internet, co-editor of The Marketing of Political Parties, and Associate Professor of Political Communications, Bournemouth University
Jo-Anne Nadler, author of Too Nice to be a Tory: It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want To, a former BBC political reporter, a one-time Conservative Party politician and currently a Director at the communications consultancy Champollion.
Meredith Post, a brand consultant, self-proclaimed “political junkie” and Design Director at the branding firm LPK
They dive into a range of issues, including:
- How is a brand defined today in a political context?
- Does political branding, as a process, work the same as corporate branding?
- Is political branding as “customer controlled” as is the realm of consumer brands seems to be today?
- Can you view politicians and political parties in the same kind of brand structure that you might products and the corporations that own them?
- How, if at all, do the human factors of as “purpose,” “authenticity” and “meaning” factor in to the largely distrusted arena of political branding?
You’ll find a deep, lively discussion of these and other questions, so download your Branding Roundtable now >