In a time when political power and trust dwindles, brands big and small have the opportunity to make the real difference: to discover the rewards that come from giving their employees hope, creative freedom, and engaging work environments that go beyond bonuses and playful offices. Our organizations have the unprecedented ability to partner with our people, both employees and customers, in the creation and preservation of values worth “fighting the good fight” for.

To learn more about how we can achieve this, we asked some of the speakers from REBELS AND RULERS 2019 to share their thoughts and expertise on brand culture:

Curious what we cover in this edition of The Roundtable? Take a look at the questions we posed our experts and be sure to download this month’s issue:

  1. How do you define the brand culture of an organization, be it a for- or non-profit?
  2. You are a decisive factor in the management of your brand’s culture – how do you include it in your everyday decision-making process?
  3. Is longevity achievable, for a company, without harnessing a sustainable, active brand culture model?
  4. Can ethics be considered the starting point of any type of culture? If so, then what do you think of the brands that build cultures around unethical behavior? Can they last?
  5. Is anticipation of culture possible in today’s rapid commercial environment? How can a brand create behavior based on anticipation?
  6. The power of CSR on (external) brand reputation is well known (and abused) by now – but what can you tell us about using social responsibility as a tool for internal culture?
  7. Talent management is crucial for brand culture, yet so many organizations have a superficial understanding of it and its role in brand-building. Is HR not taken seriously enough in high-level decision making? How can companies improve this and, subsequently, improve their talent acquisition and retention rates?
  8. Can you share an example of how a brand has used storytelling as a tool for creating or steering brand culture?
  9. What advice would you give to brands looking to improve their culture and better understand their cultures’ influence on reputation, sales, and sustainability?