Fay Cannings
Fay Cannings is the proud founder of Seekd.co.uk, a marketplace for ethical jewellery and accessories, and social impact expert having spent her career working in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) regeneration projects and leading enterprise programmes.
Fay launched Seekd as a passion project in 2018, growing the business over the last couple of years both online and offline through pop-up shops and events, with neat links with her previous work in property and place-making.
Fay has worked on flagship projects in the past, such as the London 2012 Olympics as a community investment manager for the Athletes Village throughout its construction, and helped establish and grow local regeneration partnerships in iconic areas of London and also run a youth enterprise charity. Fay is a long-term trustee of the Newham New Deal Partnership (NDP).
Fay is forever inspired by the diversity and talent in local business communities and has immersed herself in the creative and jewellery industry in London to bring together an amazing community of designer makers and associated partners.
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