Don’t Panic! No. 14
M. Scott Havens, Chief Growth Officer at Bloomberg Media
Bloomberg Media is ready to lead the streaming revolution. Over the past few years, it has positioned itself as a serious challenger to many existing media and news players, and is well on track to innovate its way into the hearts and minds of global business professionals.
And it looks as though the brand is doing the right things, right, with a 60% year-over-year increase in average monthly users across its streaming video apps, for example. But how does a media giant sustain this momentum in a world that’s changing right in front of our eyes?
Brandingmag sat down with M. Scott Havens, Bloomberg Media’s Chief Growth Officer, to talk about what it takes to succeed during these turbulent times and how Bloomberg is navigating a pandemic, recession, and disruption around every corner – all without panicking!
Interested in learning more? Download the latest Don’t Panic! interview here.
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