Branding Roundtable 11
How to Collaborate for Brand Relevance
The topic was “Collaborating for Brand Relevance,” and we got to hear from two agency/client teams as to exactly how they collaborate to maintain brand releveance and leverage it for competitive advantage. Our Roundtable included:
Bob Domenz, CEO of Avenue, and his client Julie Springer, Chief Marketing Officer of Transunion, speaking from the experience of the very recent rebranding of that leading American information solutions firm.
Scott Davis, Chief Growth Officer of Prophet and his client, Tim Simonds, Chief Marketing and Engagement Officer for The Kellogg School of Management, speaking not to that case history but, rather, insights gained from their former collaboration for United Airlines.
This live Branding Roundtable covered too much conceptual territory to include in this eBook version, so we will concentrate on the two case histories, plus a few of the intriguing answers to questions asked by the audience at the end of our sesssion. Please remember, this Roundtable is compiled from a live discussion, so it may feel a bit different than usual – but we guarantee you, it is well worth reading.
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