The Roundtable #39
Building Brands by Marketing Truth, Trust, and Taboo
Today’s youth has little tolerance for deception, and mistrust has become a main factor in their decision to disconnect from certain brands. Even more, for individuals seeking value alignment and sense of responsibility from the brands they consume, ‘trust’ is the game and ‘transparency’ is the ball. The young generation will not only distance themselves quickly if they feel deceived, but they will also call brands out publicly. And they care for more than just themselves — the environment and social injustice are but a few that are interests for youngsters, but taboo for brands. By trying to market them blindfolded, brands risk losing the game of trust. Brandingmag sat down with some experts in ‘Youth Marketing’ to find out how brands can earn young trust and why they should think twice about marketing taboos:
· Rob Scotland, Head of Strategy at McCann London
· Mary Keane-Dawson, Group CEO of Takumi
· Mike Blake-Crawford, Strategy Director at Social Chain
· Jessica Blair, Associate Director at Civic Nation
· Sean Pillot de Chenecey, Strategy Consultant & Author at Brand Positive
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