The Roundtable #36
Youth Marketing
Younger generations have always been on the radar for brands, but recently it’s become clearer and clearer that they also represent a key to brand growth. They are tech-savvy and always eager to engage. They are never offline and have taken hold of social platforms. So what are brands to do to catch the attention of these youth who constantly find themselves in overcrowded spaces, both on- and offline? Has traditional marketing become obsolete, with digital now being the only way to go? Are brands forced to become more agile at the detriment of brand consistency? We decided to ask some experts in ‘Youth Marketing’ to shed some light on the matter:
· Rhodri Evans, Brand Engagement Manager of Levi’s
· Laura Colin, Former Creative Strategist of BBC
· Rebecca Doherty, Brand Marketing Manager of River Island
· Trishna Daswaney, Founder of Kohl Kreatives
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